
Rado Nadvešnik, founder of the Gozdar in arborist Rado Nadvešnik s.p., which was originally named Gorsko vodništvo in gozdarske storitve (Mountain Guiding and Forestry Services), started an independent career on 1st October 1995. Initially, Nadvešnik's intention was to provide mountain guiding services. However, that plan soon proved impossible. Having learned to operate a chainsaw at an early age and, later on, besides graduating the college of metallurgy, Nadvešnik finishes a wood-chopping and tractor driving course in Postojna as well as a course in the operation of heavy construction machinery. His first job as a sole proprietor was assigned to him in the Ljubljana BTC shopping centre and was carried out for the Map-Trade d.o.o. Company from Slovenska Bistrica. During the two-month project, Nadvešnik spends 10 hours a day suspended from a rope by the concrete silos of the Žito company together with Alpine climbers from the Štajerska region, detecting damages in the concrete walls and repairing them. In 1996, he receives a call from Marko Mikuletič, BSc and Head of Landscape Design at the Arboretum Volčji Potok, who asks him if he can take down trees in a spatially limited area without the use of a lift. They agree for Nadvešnik to cut down a tilted fir tree near the Zaprice Castle in Kamnik and to trim some trees in the town of Škofja Loka. The Arboretum team spends some time trying to make him understand how to saw-trim a tree correctly.   Now, they have been cooperating with Nadvešnik for 15 years.  Rado Nadvešnik has carefully chosen his work technique, equipment and various accessories from different manufacturers, and has even designed some innovative tools by himself. The knowledge he has acquired as an Alpine climber and mountain guide comes very useful in this line of work.

The results of Nadvešnik’s innovation are reflected in his productive and high-quality work. On occasions, he gets hired by larger companies to carry out extremely demanding jobs which require knowledge in Alpine climbing, caving, forestry, metallurgy as well as civil engineering.

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